Intervju-Plinovodi d.o.o.



Intervju-Plinovodi d.o.o.

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Intervju-Plinovodi d.o.o.

“We want to foster an environment that enables diversity and allows all our employees to feel empowered, valued, respected and safe. Diversity and high-value of each person’s individuality was always a part of culture in an informal way and we consider that inclusiveness and equal opportunity are very important factor in creating positive work environment.”

mag. Sarah Jezernik, namestnica glavnega direktorja, PLINOVODI D.O.O.


Sarah Jezernik (foto: Plinovodi d.o.o.)


Intervju – Mestna občina Ljubljana

“By raising awareness on the topic such as equality and respect we are creating a more inclusive and friendly and creative environment for all the employees.”

dr. Simona Topolinjak, podsekretarka, Mestna občina Ljubljana


Listino raznolikosti za MOL prevzema Tilka Klančar, vodja Oddelka za zdravje in socialno varstvo (foto: A. Križ)


Could you share with us some key milestones in the D&I journey of your company?

Intervju – EOS KSI d.o.o.

“Pomembno je, da izzive pogledamo iz več zornih kotov, saj tako pridemo do produktivnejših in nasploh boljših rešitev. V hitro spreminjajočem se okolju je raznolikost ključnega pomena za uspeh na globalnem tržišču, saj opažamo, da prav raznolikost navdihuje inovacije in ideje.

Natalija Zupan in Janez Klančar, direktorja, EOS KSI, Upravljanje terjatev d.o.o.


Natalija Zupan in Janez Klančar, (foto: EOS KSI d.o.o.)


Intervju – AMZS d.d.

“We definitely take a holistic approach to diversity and inclusion. We don’t just focus on individual groups, but on the talents of individuals and their personal contribution to the team.”

Anisa Faganelj, AMZS d.d, v sodelovanju z Luko Eržen, Ekonomska fakulteta Ljubljana


AMZS d.d. (foto: AMZS)


Could you share with us some key milestones in the D&I journey of your company?


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